Ir. Z. (Zili) Wang

Ir. Z. (Zili) Wang


As a Ph. D. in TU Delft and a member in DiTTlab, I have been working on my doctoral research in the interface between traffic engineering and pavement management. With the development of automated traffic and pavement data collection, there arises an interest in extracting knowledge from data for better pavement management strategies. In my master thesis, I conducted the data-driven prediction model of pavement maintenance demands and developed a tool for practical use. As a follow-up, I have been exploring the correlation and causality between traffic characteristics and pavement surface damage in my doctoral research. Parallel to my Ph.D., I am an external researcher in Rijkswaterstaat, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management of the Netherlands.  

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Data analysis, pavement management, pavement raveling, traffic macroscopic patterns

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Academische achtergrond

June 2020-recentPh. D. TU Delft
Feb. 2019-April 2019Visiting researcher, Universidade de São Paulo
Sep. 2017-Feb. 2020

M.Sc. Transport Planning, TU Delft

Sep. 2017-Feb. 2020M.Sc. Integral Design and Management, TU Delft
Sep. 2013-July 2017B.Sc. Structural Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
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