Dr.ing. Y. (Yan) Ma

Dr.ing. Y. (Yan) Ma



I am a material scientist working in the field of sustainable metallurgy and metals. I work as an assistant professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) at the Delft University of Technology.

My research primarily centers on (1) hydrogen-based direct reduction of metal oxides for producing primary metals and manufacturing metal foams; and (2) scrap-based steel design and processing. These areas are instrumental in shaping the future of sustainable production and processing of steel and other metals, facilitating the reduction of CO2 emissions in the metal industry.

I completed my PhD in 2019 at the RWTH Aachen University, where I conducted intriguing research on the physical metallurgy of third-generation advanced high-strength steel, particularly focusing on the role of interface chemistry in multiphase materials. After PhD, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Sustainable Materials (previous MPI für Eisenforschung) from 2020 to 2021. Since 2021, I have been leading the research group “Sustainable Synthesis of Materials” at the MPI SusMat.

Dr. Ma is the recipient of the Walter Benjamin Award from the German Research Foundation (DFG) in 2021 and the DGM Prize for Young Talent by the German Materials Society (DGM) in 2022.

Selected Publications

1. D. Raabe, M. Jovičević-Klug, D. Ponge, A. Gramlich, A. Kwiatkowski da Silva, A.N. Grundy, H. Springer, I. Souza Filho, Y. Ma: Circular steel for fast decarbonization: thermodynamics, kinetics, microstructure behind upcycling scrap into high-performance sheet steel, Annual Review of Materials Research, (2024), Accepted.

2. L. Choisez, K. Hemke, Ö. Özgün, C. Pistidda, H. Jeppesen, D. Raabe, Y. Ma: Hydrogen-based direct reduction of combusted iron powder: Deep pre-oxidation, reduction kinetics and microstructural analysis, Acta Materialia, 268(2024), 119752.

3. Y. Ma, J.W. Bae, S.-H. Kim, M. Jovičević-Klug, K. Li, D. Vogel, D. Ponge, M. Rohwerder, B. Gault, D. Raabe: Reducing iron oxide with ammonia: A sustainable path to green steel, Advanced Science, 16 (2023), 2300111.

4. Y. Ma, I.R. Souza Filho, Y. Bai, J. Schenk, F. Patisson, A. Beck, J.A. van Bokhoven, M.G. Willinger, K. Li, D. Xie, D. Ponge, S. Zaefferer, B. Gault, J.R. Mianroodi, D. Raabe: Hierarchical nature of hydrogen-based direct reduction of iron oxides, Scripta Materialia, 213 (2022), 114571.

5. Y. Ma, B. Sun, A. Schökel, W. Song, D. Ponge, D. Raabe, W. Bleck: Phase boundary segregation-induced strengthening and discontinuous yielding in ultrafine-grained duplex medium-Mn steels, Acta Materialia, 200 (2020), 389-403.

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