V. (Victor) Muñoz Sanz

V. (Victor) Muñoz Sanz


Víctor Muñoz Sanz is an assistant professor of urban design at TU Delft, where he conceptualizes, leads and develops critical research on the architecture and urbanism of the past, present and future of work. His research looks at the interplay of the design of productive landscapes with technology and management, and aims to question the role of urban design in enabling new urban economies and inclusive forms of work. He is the author of the book Una Rápida Compañera (2024), and co-editor of  Habitat: Ecology Thinking in Architecture (2020),  Roadside Picnics: Encounters with the Uncanny (2022), and Automated Landscapes (2023). Víctor qualified as an architect at the School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM, 2006), and holds a master’s of architecture in urban design, with distinction, from Harvard University Graduate School of Design (2011), and a PhD cum laude in architecture from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (2016).




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  • 2017-5-5

    Fellow in Architecture

    Fellowship programme of the Akademie Schloss-Solitude, Stuttgart. In residence during August 2019-January 2020. The Akademie Schloss Solitude is a public-law foundation that offers an interdisciplinary and international fellowship program for artists and scientists. Since 1990, the Akademie has supported artists in the disciplines of architecture, visual arts, performing arts, design, literature, music/sound and video/film/new media with residency and work fellowships. Since 2002, young people from the science and business sectors are also eligible for fellowships with the art, science & business program. The Akademie Schloss Solitude is financially supported by the German province of Baden-Württemberg.

  • 2016-4-22

    Honorable Mention, Call for Fellows of Het Nieuwe Instituut

    Through an international open call for research fellows, Het Nieuwe Instituut invited practitioners and researchers in the fields of architecture, design, and digital culture to work in residence from June to December 2016 and develop an independent research proposal. In consideration of the exceptional quality of the applications and the relevance of the topics presented, the jury decided to expand the number of fellowships from three to four.

    The selected fellows were Andrea Bagnato with Terra Infecta, Simone Niquille with The Contents, Noam Toran with Black and White and Red All Over and Füsun Türetken with Alchemic Dialogue. The jury also chose to recognise three applicants with honorable mentions: Víctor Muñoz Sanz, Michèle Champagne, and the collective m-a-u-s-e-r.

  • 2013-4-30

    Fellowship for postgraduate studies from Fundación La Caixa

    Covering costs and living expenses for guest researcher position at the Faculty of Architecture + BE of TU Delft, the Netherlands.

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