Dr. T. (Thomas) Verbeek

Dr. T. (Thomas) Verbeek


I am an Assistant Professor in the Urban Studies Section of the Urbanism Department at the TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. In my research I take a social justice perspective on urban sustainability, urban environmental policy and management, and urban mobility.
In my postdoctoral project at the University of Sheffield, funded by a Leverhulme Fellowship, I looked at the social justice of urban air pollution management, using quantitative and qualitative methods, with case studies of the (ultra) low emission zones in London and Brussels.
In my position at the TU Delft I continue working on similar themes. I am part of the TU Delft team working on the EU Horizon project DUST (Democratizing Just Sustainability Transitions), and I am the project leader for the TU Delft part in the DUT project 15minESTATES, which critically applies the 15-minute city concept to large-scale housing estates.
I am open to exploring ideas and collaborations for future projects, and I am also happy to be contacted by prospective PhD students.

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  • 2019-5

    Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship

    In 2019 I was awarded a three-year Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship in which I looked at the social justice of urban air pollution management, through a comparative case study of low emission zones in Brussels and London. My project was titled "Cleaner air at all costs? A social justice perspective on urban air pollution". I took up this fellowship from September 2019 until March 2022 at the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at the University of Sheffield.
