S.G. (Stuart) Pearson PhD

S.G. (Stuart) Pearson PhD


Stuart Pearson is an assistant professor in coastal engineering at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in Delft, the Netherlands. He carried out his PhD and Postdoc in Coastal Engineering and Environmental Fluid Mechanics, respectively, at TU Delft. During that period, he worked as a consultant and researcher in the Applied Morphodynamics department of Deltares, also in Delft. Before that, he received his MSc in Coastal and Marine Engineering & Management jointly from TU Delft, the University of Southampton (UK), and the Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU). Originally hailing from Canada, he grew up on the shores of the Great Lakes and completed his BASc in Civil Engineering at the University of Waterloo. He also worked for several years as a coastal engineering consultant at Baird & Associates in Oakville, Ontario. 

How does sediment contribute to the robustness of our coasts and deltas against climate change? In my research we quantify sediment pathways and connectivity for strategic placement of sediment, via numerical modelling and field measurements. As a part of these investigations, we are developing a coastal sediment transport pathway model and visualization tool for predicting and communicating about estuarine sediment dynamics and the fate of sand nourishments (SedTRAILS).  I am also still engaged in research on coral reefs- during my time at Deltares I co-developed an early warning system for wave-induced flooding on low-lying tropical islands (BEWARE).

Interested in collaborating? Please get in touch at s.g.pearson@tudelft.nl

I am building up a research group, and would love to collaborate with other curious coastal enthusiasts. If you are a current TU Delft BSc or MSc student who is interested in working together on a thesis project, check out the MSc Hydraulic Engineering page on Brightspace for ideas and shoot me an email at s.g.pearson@tudelft.nl. Future PhD/postdoc positions will be posted on the Coastal List, Academic Transfer and the TU Delft vacancy page, so keep your eyes peeled!

Find out more!
Stuart regularly writes about his research and other cool things that pique his curiosity on his blog, CoastallyCurious.com. Check it out for more details and recent updates! You can also find him on Google Scholar, ResearchGate or LinkedIn

Updated July 16th, 2024.

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