S.C.M. (Susie) Brand-de Groot

S.C.M. (Susie) Brand-de Groot


Working with students of Industrial Design Engineering at TUDelft for over 20 years, I have become an expert in teaching diverse visualization techniques for designers. Visualizing is one of the main tools for designers to have a perfect communication with all stakeholders involved in every step of the design process. 

With the students of IDE I also research form and its performance. We discover form as a part of design, as a tool to change human behavior in daily life and in the future. 
During my studies at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam my interest in formgiving grew. As scenographer I love to enhance the vision of a director in the theater. As a graphic designer I love to translate the vision of small companies into graphic corporate identities. At IDE I coach students researching their own identies and how to design their future.

As mentor of graduation projects I am involved in the full processes of design projects. Coaching on a personal level brings everything together.

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