Dr. R. (Reza) Bakhshi Jafarabadi
Dr. R. (Reza) Bakhshi Jafarabadi
Reza graduated with all degrees from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, a reputable university in the country. Based on his academic and ten-year industrial experience in the renewable energy sector, he published more than 20 papers (18 as the first author) in IEEE, Elsevier, and IET journals (Google Scholar). He has also proposed a centralized anti-islanding protection and control scheme in Horizon 2021’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions call based on battery energy storage. Although the proposal was not funded, it was selected among the top 20% of excellent works, i.e., receiving the “Seals of Excellence” certificate.
After 6-month visiting researcher experience in 2019, Reza rejoined IEPG at TU Delft as a postdoctoral researcher in the InterOPERA project. The project aims to find the probable interaction challenges of multi-vendor multi-terminal HVDC systems. InterOPERA is funded by HORIZON Europe and benefits from the support of 22 academic and industrial partners in Europe.
In addition, He is a member of Cigre and actively participated in WG
B5.83. He is also an Associate Editor of e-Prime—Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy journal (Elsevier). He continuously review papers for prestegious journals such as IEEE TSG, PWRS, PWRD, TPEL, Elsevier's JCLEPRO, RENE, EPSR, IJEPES, and IET GTD and RPG.
Research Interests
- Power systems protection
- HVDC systems
- Microgrid protection and control
- Renewable energies
- Energy Economics
Awards, Funding Activities, and Honorary Degrees
- More than ten years of academia and industrial experience in the fields of power system protection and control with high penetration of power-electronic-based renewable energies
- Experience in conducting numerous hardware-in-the-loop and software-in-the-loop tests in IEPG’s real-time digital simulator laboratory in TU Delft as a visiting researcher
- “Seal of Excellence” certificate delivered by the European Commission for the project proposal “Centralized Anti-islanding Protection Scheme of Hybrid Microgrids using Battery Energy Storage System (CentreSmart),” submitted under the Horizon 2021’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions call HORIZON-MSCA-2021-PF-01-01
- Publication of 16 research papers in prestigious journals (13 as the first author) and four articles in national/international conferences
- More than 600 citations and 14 h-index (Jul. 2024)
- The honor of “Top-three researchers” in the whole competitive graduate program of the Engineering Faculty of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (2018)
- Graduated with the highest GPA among all Ph.D. Electrical Eng. students at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (2020)
- Graduated with the second GPA among all M.Sc. Electrical Eng. students at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (2014)
- Elected in Iran’s National Elite Foundation (Since 2019)
Non-unit wavelet transform-based protection principle for modular multi-level converter-based HVDC grids using adaptive threshold setting
Farzad Dehghan Marvasti / Ahmad Mirzaei / Reza Bakhshi-Jafarabadi / Marjan Popov
Peak Load Shaving of Air Conditioning Loads via Rooftop Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems
A Case Study
Reza Bakhshi-Jafarabadi / Seyed Mahdi Seyed Mousavi -
Techno-economic assessment of grid-connected photovoltaic systems for peak shaving in arid areas based on experimental data
Reza Bakhshi-Jafarabadi / Seyed Mahdi Seyed Mousavi
Two-stage active power curtailment-based islanding detection technique for photovoltaic-based microgrids with zero non-detection zone
Reza Bakhshi-Jafarabadi / Alexandre Serrano Fontova / Marjan Popov
Analytical Overvoltage and Power-Sharing Control Method for Photovoltaic-Based Low-Voltage Islanded Microgrid
Reza Bakhshi-Jafarabadi / Aleksandra Lekic / Farzad Dehghan Marvasti / Jose De Jesus Chavez / Marjan Popov