Dr. R. (Riccardo) Ferrari

Dr. R. (Riccardo) Ferrari


Dr. Riccardo Ferrari is a Marie Curie Alumnus and an Associate Professor in Fault Tolerant Control in the Delft Center for Systems and Control, within the Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime, and Materials Engineering (3mE) at Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.

His team investigates how to make dynamical systems safe and resilient against faults, malicious cyber-attacks and degradation phenomena, using model-based approaches that are robust against uncertainty. His research is applied to problems in wind energy, in the aerospace and in the automotive sectors, in particular for electric and for cooperative automous vehicles.

More information is available on his personal website.

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  • 2023-3-15

    O. Hugo Schuck prize

    The prize is awarded by the American Automatic Control Council to the best theoretical and, respectively, application paper from previous American Control Conference
    American Control Conference, ACC 2023

  • 2020

    First Prize at the Aerospace Industrial Benchmark on Fault Detection

    Awarded at IFAC 2020 by Airbus.
    The competition involved designing, coding and testing an algorithm for detecting faults in avionic components of a civil commercial aircraft. A detailed simulation model was provided as a benchmark. Competition was organised by Airbus and Stellenbosch University.
    21st IFAC World Congress 2020

  • 2018

    Honourable Mention at Paul M Frank Award 2018

    Finalist paper at Paul M Frank Award 2018:
    V. Rostampour, R. M. G. Ferrari, A. H. Teixeira, and T. Keviczky, “Differentially-Private Distributed Fault Diagnosis for Large-Scale Nonlinear Uncertain Systems,” in Procs. of 10th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS 2018), Warsaw (Poland) August 29 - 31, 2018, 2018
    10th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes

  • 2016-1-22

    Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship

    Project title: "SURE, Safe Unmanned Robotic Ensembles"
    Call: H2020-MSCA-IF-2015
    Grant number: 707546
    Grant amount: Eur 177.598,80

  • 2011

    Second place at Competition on Fault Detection and Fault Tolerant Control for Wind Turbines

    The competition was organised by The Mathworks and K.K. Electronics at IFAC 2011. It involved designing and testing in simulation an algorithm for detecting faults in a wind turbine. A benchmark simulation model was provided.

    Results of the competition were announced and discussed in the following paper

    Peter Fogh Odgaard, Jakob Stoustrup,
    Results of a Wind Turbine FDI Competition,
    IFAC Proceedings Volumes,
    Volume 45, Issue 20,
    Pages 102-107,
    ISSN 1474-6670,
    ISBN 9783902823090,
    18th IFAC World Congress

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