N. (Natascia) Pannozzo PhD

N. (Natascia) Pannozzo PhD


Natascia Pannozzo is a postdoctoral researcher in the Coastal Engineering group of the Hydraulic Engineering department at TU Delft. She is working on the TRAILS (https://www.tudelft.nl/citg/over-faculteit/afdelingen/hydraulic-engineering/sections/coastal-engineering/research/trails-tracking-ameland-inlet-living-lab-sediment) project with Bram Van Prooijen and Stuart Pearson, studying sediment pathways and connectivity in ebb-tidal deltas and the impact of nourishment interventions on such dynamics.


Natascia's research employs a holistic integration of paleoenvironmental reconstruction, monitoring and numerical modelling of sediment dynamics for the optimum understanding of coastal response to engineering activities and climate change. She is also active in the development of new field tools that can better help understand such dynamics and is looking forward to be more involved in models development as well in this time at TUDelft.

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After completing her BSc and MSc in Environmental Sciences at the University of Liverpool, she stayed in Liverpool to pursue her PhD in Coastal Dynamics, during which she investigated estuarine and salt marsh response to climate change and anthropogenic disturbance, at multiple spatial and temporal scales, using an integrated field and numerical approach. During this time, she has also been involved in other projects investigating other types of coastal settings (e.g., sand dunes).

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