M. (Mohammad) Khosravi

M. (Mohammad) Khosravi


Research interests

I am primarily interested in the theoretical and practical aspects of learning & control of linear and nonlinear dynamics. My main focus is on data-driven and learning-based methods for modeling, optimization, model-reduction, and control of dynamical systems, and their applications in thermodynamic systems, energy, buildings, industry, and power plants.


External homepage: link 
Email address: Mohammad.Khosravi@tudelft.nl 
Office: 3mE building, Room C-3-290


  • European Systems & Control PhD Thesis Award (solo winner), recognizing the best PhD thesis in Europe in the field of Systems and Control, 2023.
  • ETH Medal (a.k.a. Silver Medal of ETH Zurich), in acknowledgement for outstanding doctoral thesis, 2022.
  • SNSF Postdoc.Mobility Fellowships, Swiss National Science Foundation, 2022.
  • Outstanding Paper Award and  Best Paper Award finalist (top 4), CDC 2020.
  • Outstanding Reviewer Award, IEEE Journal of Control Systems Letters, 2020. 
  • IEEE-CSS Student Travel Award, CCTA 2019.
  • First Place Award, Concordia University Graduate Student Research Paper Competition,  2016.
  • Graduate Fellowship Award, Power Corporation of Canada, 2016.
  • IEEE-CSS Student Travel Award, CDC 2015.
  • Graduate Fellowship Award, Power Corporation of Canada, 2015.
  • UNESCO-IAEA Scholarship Award, Italy, 2011.
  • Honorary admission to Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2005.
  • Gold Medal of National Mathematical Olympiad (NMO), Iran, 2004.


Mohammad Khosravi received a B.Sc. in electrical engineering and a B.Sc. in mathematical sciences from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2011. He obtained a postgraduate diploma in mathematics from ICTP, Trieste, Italy, in 2012. He was a research assistant in the mathematical biology group at Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, Iran, from 2012 to 2014. He received his M.A.Sc. degree in electrical and computer engineering from Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, in 2016, and his Ph.D. from Automatic Control Laboratory, ETH Zurich. Currently, he is an assistant professor at Delft Center for Systems and Control, TU Delft. He has won several awards, including the National Mathematics Olympiad gold medal, the Outstanding Student Paper Award in CDC 2020, and the Outstanding Reviewer Award for IEEE Journal of Control Systems Letters. His research interests are on data-driven and learning-based modeling, control and optimization methods, and their applications in buildings, energy, and industrial systems.

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