Dr.sc.nat M. (Max) Ramgraber

Dr.sc.nat M. (Max) Ramgraber


More information on my personal website.

Research Interests

Uncertainty Estimation and Parameter Inference
Most of my research revolves around uncertainty estimation. Information about environmental systems is often scarce, and the consequence is uncertainty.
Statistical methods allows us to quantify this uncertainty where it cannot be otherwise resolved. This is critical in the study of the subsurface, one of the most information-limited environmental systems. I am particularly interested in statistical methods which allow us to capture advanced aspects of uncertainty such as Pareto frontiers, multi-modality, and other non-Gaussian features.

Data Assimilation and Sequential Inference

Data assimilation is a specialized form of uncertainty estimation. It plays an important role in systems where we have an interest in sequential or real-time updates to our simulations. Examples include weather forecasts, automated pump control, petroleum engineering, or GPS tracking. Advanced data assimilation algorithms can even infer and improve a model's parameters with time, yielding self-improving simulations. Much of my work focusses on such algorithms.​​​​

Hydrogeology and Numerical Modelling

The context in which I explore these subjects is often hydrogeology. Groundwater is the most important freshwater reservoir in many parts of the world. Unfortunately, the subsurface is mostly unobservable, which makes its study challenging. With predominantly point-wise data, numerical models are an important tool to create physically meaningful connections between these fragmented pieces of information. When combined with uncertainty estimation, we can rigorously study the plausibility and consequences of different hypotheses about the subsurface's properties even with incomplete data.

Brief CV

2023 - today   Assistant Professor at Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

2021 - 2023   Postdoctoral Researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA

​​​​​​​2016 - 2020   Doctorate at Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag), Zürich, Switzerland, and the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland

2014 - 2016   Applied & Environmental Geoscience M.Sc. at Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Germany
​​​​​​​2011 - 2014   Geoscience B.Sc. at Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany

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  • 2021-11-16

    Prix Léon du Pasquier et Louis Perrier

    An prize awarded annually for a single excellent dissertation with the University of Neuchâtel's Faculty of Science:

    En mémoire de Léon Du Pasquier (1864-1897) et de Louis Perrier, un prix, intitulé prix « Léon Du Pasquier et Louis Perrier », est institué et est décerné annuellement (ou tous les deux ans) par la Faculté des sciences pour récompenser une excellente thèse de doctorat dans l’un des domaines scientifiques de la Faculté des Sciences.

  • 2018

    Outstanding Student Poster and PICO (OSPP) Award

    EGU General Assembly 2018

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