Dr.ir. J.W.R. Peeters

Dr.ir. J.W.R. Peeters


As an assistant professor at TU Delft, I investigate microscale heat transfer phenomena in novel energy technology, such as waste heat recovery systems, but also electrolysers and fuel cells. I am particularly interested in understanding how these phenomena affect the design and performance of such technologies. 

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- turbulence & roughness

- convective heat transfer

- analytical & numerical methods

- equipment design

- heat generation in fuel cells & electrolysers

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Academische achtergrond

Jurriaan Peeters obtained his MSc. degree in Applied Physics at Delft University of Technology. Thereafter, he briefly worked as a CFD consultant for the Nuclear Research & Consultancy Group (Petten, NL) after which he opted to become a PhD-candidate at TU Delft with professors B.J. Boersma, T.H.J.J. van de Hagen, M. Rohde & R. Pecnik to study turbulent heat transfer at supercritical pressure. He obtained his PhD in 2016. After a short post-doc with M. Rohde , he became a post-doc at the University of Southampton (UK) under professor N. Sandham, where he studied the effect of wall roughness on turbulent heat transfer. As of 2018, he became an assistant professor at his Alma Mater.

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