J.C.F. (Joost) de Winter J.C.F. (Joost) de Winter



Joost de Winter (1979) is professor in Cognitive Human-Robot Interaction at the Department of Cognitive Robotics within the 3mE Faculty at Delft University of Technology.

His primary interests encompass virtual reality, driving simulation, applied statistics, automated driving, psychophysiological assessment of operators, and adaptive automation, that is, automation that adapts to the operator state.

Further information is available on this page:


Several key projects are:

- Supporting the interaction of humans and automated vehicles: Preparing for the environment of tomorrow:
- Towards safe mobility for all: A data-driven approach
- A replication study of ‘pupil size as related to interest value of visual stimuli’ (Hess & Polt, 1960)
- How should automated vehicles communicate with other road users? (NWO VIDI) (2018–2022)
- Motorist: MOTOrcycle Rider Integrated SafeTy (2013–2017)
- HFauto: Human Factors of Automated Driving (2013–2017)
- Preventing young driver car crashes through driving simulators (NWO VENI) (2010–2012)
- DriveObs: Driver Observation in Car Simulators (2013–2013)

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Meer media


  • 2022

    Applied Ergonomics Journal Best Paper Award 2022

    Winner of the Applied Ergonomics Journal Best Paper Award 2022 with the following paper: Bazilinskyy, P., Kooijman, L., Dodou, D., & De Winter, J. C. F. (2021). How should external Human-Machine Interfaces behave? Examining the effects of colour, position, message, activation distance, vehicle yielding, and visual distraction among 1,434 participants. Applied Ergonomics, 95, 103450.

  • 2020

    Open Science Use Case Award

    The Open Science Awards recognized researchers who use Open Science to make their research more accessible, transparent or reproducible.

  • 2014

    Human Factors Prize by the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES)

    Winner of the 2014 Human Factors Prize awarded by the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) with the following paper: Petermeijer, S. M., Abbink, D. A., & De Winter, J. C. F. (2015). Should drivers be operating within an automation-free bandwidth? Evaluating haptic steering support systems with different levels of authority. Human Factors, 57, 5–20. (shared with two co-authors)

  • 2008

    Best paper of conference award

    Paper: “Feedback on Mirror-Checking During Simulation-based Driver Training”
    27th European Annual Conference on Human Decision-Making and Manual Control, Delft, The Netherlands

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