Dr. I.I. (Ingeborg) de Pater

Dr. I.I. (Ingeborg) de Pater



Ingeborg de Pater works as an assistant-professor at the faculty of Aerospace Engineering at the TU Delft, with a focus on predictive maintenance for aircraft.  She is interested in predicting the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of aircraft components, and on optimizing the maintenance schedule with these predictions. In general, she is interested in researching and using machine learning and optimization methods. 


  • 2023

    Professor Stein Haugen paper award

    The 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2023)

  • 2022

    Best Paper Award 2nd Prize, European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society

    PHM Society European Conference 2022

  • 2021-9-29

    Anna Valicek Award 2021

    PhD candidate Ingeborg de Pater has received the Silver Medal for her paper on predictive aircraft maintenance at the 61st Annual Symposium AGIFORS (Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies). Earlier this year Ingeborg’s work on aircraft maintenance has been awarded the Best Innovation at the AGIFORS Aircraft Maintenance Operations conference

  • 2021-7-16

    Best Innovation award

    Promovenda Ingeborg de Pater heeft op de AGIFORS Aircraft Maintenance Operations conferentie de Best Innovation award ontvangen voor haar werk: ‘Predictive maintenance for a fleet of aircraft with Remaining-Useful-Life prognostics and the management of spare components’. De prijs is een erkenning voor "de meest innovatieve ideeën of concepten voor het oplossen van een probleem in verband met de exploitatie van luchtvaartmaatschappijen".
    AGIFORS Aircraft Maintenance Operations Special Session

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