Dr. G.Y.H. El Serafy
Dr. G.Y.H. El Serafy
A probabilistic framework for offshore aquaculture suitability assessment using bivariate copulas
R. Santjer / P. Mares-Nasarre / L. Vilmin / G. Y.H. El Serafy / O. Morales-Nápoles
Automated Gross Primary Production Application for Monitoring Ecosystem Health Within GEOSS
Anna Spinosa / Marieke Eleveld / Ulf Mallast / Johannes Peterseil / Valeria Mobilia / Karisma Karisma / Mario Alberto Fuentes-Monjaraz / Ghada El Serafy
The impact of increased shellfish cultivation in the North Sea on the carbon cycle
A what-if scenario for the European Digital Twin Ocean
Felix Dols / Romain Lavaud / Brecht Stechele / Tineke Troost / Loreta Cornacchia / Luca van Duren / Lauriane Vilmin / Lorinc Meszaros / Ghada El Serafy / More Authors -
A Case Study of Ecological Suitability of Mussel and Seaweed Cultivation using Bivariate Copula Functions
Rieke Santjer / Patricia Mares-Nasarre / Ghada El Serafy / Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles
Assessing the Use of Sentinel-2 Data for Spatio-Temporal Upscaling of Flux Tower Gross Primary Productivity Measurements
Anna Spinosa / Mario A. Fuentes-Monjaraz / Ghada El Serafy