B. Hausleitner

B. Hausleitner



  Liveable Manufacturing     Project in the framework of the Dutch Actie Agenda   ‘Working together on the strength of design’.  (project leader) in cooperation with Platform 31. (2019-21)  

    The integration of living and working is on the agenda of many cities. Urban production is seen as a way to transition to a circular economy and contribute to the diversification of jobs. Space is scarce and the organization of land use requires urban design that enables industrial intensification and integration of industries with housing. Previous research has pointed out that the design of spatial transitions that provide conditions for different environmental qualities is relevant at multiple scales to reduce nuisance between programs. This project aims to advance this knowledge via spatial analyses, and interviews with entrepreneurs and questionnaires with residents, with concrete case studies in the municipality Amsterdam. The results will specify spatial configurations of transitions between production and living in the built environment that are perceived as more liveable. 

    JPI Urban Europe project Cities of Making.   Resources for activating new urban industry through technology, spatial design and transition governance.   (2017-2020) (project coordinator team TUD) 

    Re-industrialisation is a complex challenge in terms of adaptation of urban areas and the public services that can support it. This project closes a critical knowledge gap by combining complementary research on a) relevant new smart technologies, b) physical environments for urban making and c) how public services and other relevant stakeholders can engage in transition strategies. This is achieved through applied research and case studies in Brussels, London and Rotterdam. The outcome provides practical guidelines and resources for public service professionals, aiming to position public services at the centre of re-industrialisation, grounded in academic research and best practices while equipping them with practical and cost-effective tools that can be deployed to revitalise their industrial bases. Such results will be as relevant to p  rivate actors that are taking a collaborative, cross-disciplinary and/or place based approach.


    Main publication: Foundries of the Future: a Guide to 21st Century Cities of Making. 


    Mixed-use cities always fascinated me. In my research, I investigate the urban morphological and socio-spatial conditions that facilitate, introduce or improve, combinations of living and working. Important requirements to achieve them are the development of multi-scalar analytic methods, as well as multi-scalar and multi-actor design instruments, which I developed and tested in my (applied) research.
    Being educated as architect and urbanist I emphasise on working through the scales, from the building to the city. I use and integrate different spatial analytical tools as Space Syntax, Space Matrix, GIS-based accessibility, and permeability analyses to define the performance of urban form for the affordance of different types of economic activities and mixed-use.

    Most recent publications:  

    • Hausleitner B., Hill A., Domenech T., Muñoz Sanz V. (2022) Urban Manufacturing for Circularity: Three Pathways to Move from Linear to Circular Cities. In: Amenta L., Russo M., van Timmeren A. (eds) Regenerative Territories. GeoJournal Library, vol 128. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-78536-9_5
    • Wandl A., Hausleitner B. (2021) Investigating functional mix in Europe's dispersed urban areas. Environment and Planning B Urban Analytics and City Science, 48(9),  https://doi.org/10.1177/2399808320987849
    • Muñoz Unceta P., Hausleitner B., Dąbrowski M. (2020), Socio-Spatial Segregation and the Spatial Structure of 'Ordinary' Activities in the Global South, Urban Planning, 5(3). https://doi.org/10.17645/up.v5i3.3047
    • Rooij R., Aalbers K., Hausleitner B., Newton C., Rocco R. (2020) Education for the resilient city - Teaching and learning urban design and planning in (post-) COVID-19 times, Urban Design and Planning, 173 (4)
    • Hill Adrian V (ed.). (2020) Foundries of the Future: a Guide to 21st Century Cities of Making. With contributions by: Ben Croxford, Teresa Domenech, Birgit Hausleitner, Adrian Vickery Hill, Han Meyer, Alexandre Orban, Victor Munoz Sanz, Fabio Vanin and Josie Warden. Delft. TU Delft Open, 2020.

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