Ir. A. (Ashwin) George
Ir. A. (Ashwin) George
My research focuses on the emergence of new driving behaviours caused by the introduction of automation into traffic, and how this affects the distribution of responsibility in multi-agent interactions. Key concepts of interest for the PhD topic are Human-Robot Interaction, AI Ethics, Complexity and Meaningful Human Control.
I am part of the HERALD (Human-aware robust AI for automated driving) Lab which is part of the TU Delft AI Labs programme. I am enrolled in the Human-Robot Interaction Group of the Cognitive Robotics Department at the faculty of Mechanical Engineering. I am being supervised by Dr. Arkady Zgonnikov (Cognitve Robotics), Dr. Luciano Cavalcante Siebert (Interactive Intelligence Group) and David Abbink (Cognitive Robotics).
Feasible Action-Space Reduction as a Metric of Causal Responsibility in Multi-Agent Spatial Interactions
Ashwin George / Luciano Cavalcante Siebert / David Abbink / Arkady Zgonnikov
Nieuw integraal raamwerk voor Meaningful human control
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