New Features

Highlight element

Additional focus on your content.

A new element has been brought to our TYPO3 environment; the highlight element, adding the possibility of showcasing some additional information with both a colored background, images and/or a quote. Increase readability of your pages by displaying secundary/additional information as a highlight.

The newest addition to our element library

Our new Highlight element

A new feature to our element library: the highlight element comes with several styling/layout possibilties, all including theme colours and the optional quote

This layout is the default, with a quote added

Feel free to experiment with the element in, for example, news articles to highlight additional context

Robin Barbier

Information Manager dept. Communication

Other possible layout

Highlight element without background image

You can also choose to exclude the image behind the element, and for instance pick a different theme setting.

And ofcourse add a quote if you like

Horizontal layout

Horizontal layout

Our new Highlight element

Or you can try the horizontal layout, and exclude the quote

Horizontal halfheight layout

Horizontal halfheight layout

Our new Highlight element

There's also a half-height option when choosing the horizontal layout, and the quote below.

Feel free to experiment with the element in, for example, news articles to highlight additional context

Robin Barbier

Information Manager dept. Communication

Feel free to experiment with the element in, for example, news articles to highlight additional context

Robin Barbier

Information Manager dept. Communication

Import Pure publications

Get publications from Pure based on research ID, organisational unit or search term. .

As part of our ongoing journey of improving staff and group pages, we can now display publication overviews from Pure, based on group/topic/theme. Look up the correct ID in Pure, enter it in the element and let the API do the rest.

And yes, we'll definately look for further improvements on this import feature (such as items displayed per page or total items displayed).

Publications based on the search term 'energy transition'

  1. V. Pannunzio, Towards a convergent approach to the use of data in digital health design
  2. H.Q. Ngo, Development of an Efficient Modelling Approach to Support Economically and Socially Acceptable Flood Risk Reduction in Coastal Cities: Can Tho City, Mekong Delta, Vietnam
  3. M. Li, Exploring the use of Extended Reality for user experience design in product-service systems
  4. Elena Volpi, Salvatore Grimaldi, Amir Aghakouchak, Attilio Castellarin, Fateh Chebana, Simon Michael Papalexiou, Hafzullah Aksoy, András Bárdossy, Elisa Ragno, More Authors, (2024), The legacy of STAHY: Milestones, achievements, challenges, and open problems in statistical hydrology, In Hydrological Sciences Journal.
  5. Alf Smolders, Trust unravelled: In inter-organisational relationships in a regulated tender environment
  6. Zhenchang Zhu, Vincent Vuik, Paul J. Visser, Tim Soens, Bregje van Wesenbeeck, Johan van de Koppel, Sebastiaan N. Jonkman, Stijn Temmerman, Tjeerd J. Bouma, (2020), Historic storms and the hidden value of coastal wetlands for nature-based flood defence, In Nature Sustainability Volume 3 p.853-862.
  7. Hilde Remøy, Gerard van Bortel, Erwin Heurkens, Roeli van Venrooij, Transformatie naar Woningen
  8. E.P. Verdiesen, Comprehensive Human Oversight over Autonomous Weapon Systems
  9. H. Pahlavani, Machine learning and randomness in mechanical metamaterials
  10. Zhipei Chen, Behavior of reinforcing steel and reinforced concrete undergoing stray current

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