Prof.dr. R.M. Cooke
Prof.dr. R.M. Cooke
Chauncey Starr Chair for Risk Analysis
Resources for the Future
1616 P St. NW
Washington DC 20036-1400
also Department of Mathematics at TU Delft.
Short CV:
B.A. Yale University 1968,
Ph.D. Yale University 1974 (Philosophy and Mathematics).
Academic honors
Phi Beta Kappa, Highest Honors in Philosophy, Magna Cum Laude (Yale University)
Teaching assistant Yale University 1972-73 (Dept. of Philosophy)
Assistant Professor, Yale University: 1974 (Dept. of Philosophy)
Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam 1975 -79(Dept. of Philosophy)
Assistant Professor, Delft University of Technology, 1979-87 (Dept. of Philosophy)
Associate Professor, Delft University of Technology, 1987-93 (Dept. of Mathematics).
Professor Applied Decision Theory, 1993 - (Dept. of Mathematics).
Chauncey Starr Senior Fellow for Risk Analysis, Resources for the Future, 2005
Research interest:
Current areas of specialization:
Statistical Decision Theory including:
- Risk Analysis
- Subjective Probability / Expert Judgment
- Uncertainty Analysis
- Decision Theory
Areas of Teaching competence
- Operations Research
- Game Theory
- Probability/Statistics
Foundational Aspects for Incorporating Dependencies in Copula-Based Bayesian Networks Using Structured Expert Judgments, Exemplified by the Ice Sheet–Sea Level Rise Elicitation
Dorota Kurowicka / Willy Aspinall / Roger Cooke
Analysis of Reliability Data Using Subsurvival Functions and Censoring Models
Roger Cooke / Tim Bedford
A retrospective assessment of COVID-19 model performance in the USA
Kyle J. Colonna / Gabriela F. Nane / Ernani F. Choma / Roger M. Cooke / John S. Evans
Averaging quantiles, variance shrinkage, and overconfidence
Roger M. Cooke
Ice Sheet and Climate Processes Driving the Uncertainty in Projections of Future Sea Level Rise
Findings From a Structured Expert Judgement Approach
J. L. Bamber / M. Oppenheimer / R. E. Kopp / W. P. Aspinall / Roger M. Cooke -