Dr. A.B.T. (Alethea) Barbaro

Dr. A.B.T. (Alethea) Barbaro



Alethea Barbaro (in Dutch phonetics: a-LIE-thie-a BAR-ba-roo) is an Associate Professor in the Mathematical Physics Group at TU Delft.   She received her doctorate from the University of California, Santa Barbara (USA) under the supervision of Bjorn Birnir, in 2008.  She was a postdoc at University of California, Los Angeles (USA) under the supervision of Andrea Bertozzi and Lincoln Chayes between 2008 and 2012.  In 2012, she moved to the Department of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics & Statistics at Case Western Reserve University (Ohio, USA), earning tenure there in 2019.  In 2020, she joined the Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics as a Delft Technology Fellow.

Personal Webpage: aletheabarbaro.github.io/personalWebsite/index.html


Dr. Barbaro's research focuses on mathematical models, generally of social organisms, from the perspective of kinetic theory. At the microscopic level, she designs and implements interacting particle and agent-based models. She has applied these models in the context of fish migration, pedestrian dynamics, gang rivalries, territorial development, and in medicine, and she is now working on models for pedestrian dynamics, particularly in stressful situations. She is also interested in deriving and studying the mesoscopic and macroscopic limits of this type of model, especially if the model undergoes a phase transition as parameters are varied.

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