02 August 2022
3. Open government data portals for lay citizens Our latest article “Tailoring open government data portals for lay citizens: A gamification theory approach” has been published in the International Journal of Information Management (open access)
10 August 2022
We will be present at the 18th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym 2022, September), where we will present the study “How do Non-profit Open data Intermediaries enhance Open data Usability? A Systematic Literature Review” (by Liubov Pilshchikova, Anneke Zuiderwijk and Marijn Janssen). The OpenSym conference focuses on open collaboration research and practice, including topics like open data, open science, open source, open education, and open innovation. Below, you can find our study’s abstract.
25 May 2022
Our latest article “Business data sharing through data marketplaces: A systematic literature review” has been published in the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (open access).