Latest news
30 April 2020
Ibo van de Poel new Delft KNAW member
The KNAW has selected eighteen new members, four of whom are from TU Delft. Ibo van de Poel is one of them. KNAW members, leading scientists…
28 April 2020
TU Delft to launch online survey of preferred exit scenarios on 29 April
TU Delft researchers will be asking people in the Netherlands on how they would prefer coronavirus measures to be relaxed. From 29 April,…
16 April 2020
TPM research in relation to the coronavirus
Several TPM scientists are currently conducting research directly or indirectly linked to the corona crisis.
02 April 2020
FIOD and TU Delft join forces in investigating digital and financial crime
TU Delft researchers and students are helping the FIOD (Fiscal Information and Investigation Service) in its efforts to combat digital and…
05 March 2020
TPM part of consortium that researches the impact of the Corona-outbreak on society
In the newly acquired EU H2020 project HERoS (Health Emergency Response in interconnected Systems), researchers of the faculty of TPM, as…
03 March 2020
TPM brings gaming to the Holland Festival
Annebeth Erdbrink, Rens Kortmann and Alexander Verbraeck contribute on behalf of TU Delft to the Luistermutant 2020 performance of Micha…
09 February 2020
Evacuation behavior analyzed using discrete choice theory
In a combined research of the TU Delft and UC Berkeley the behavior of evacuees of Hurricane Irma was modelled and analyzed empirically…
06 February 2020
NWO grants research proposal On the Move: Transition towards Sustainable Mobility
NWO has granted the research proposal “On the Move: Transition towards Sustainable Mobility”. This is a joint project of Radboud…
31 January 2020
Gerdien de Vries national expert for the Energy Sector Behavioral Insights Platform
Gerdien de Vries has been appointed by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) as national expert for the Energy Sector Behavioural Insights…
21 January 2020
Behnam Taebi co-Editor in Chief of Science and Engineering Ethics
As of 1 January, Behnam Taebi is the co-Editor in Chief of the international multidisciplinary journal Science and Engineering Ethics. This…