Troubleshoot item

I have started the PowerPoint presentation but no image is presented on the screen. What should I do?

  1. Select Quad presentation mode on Operation panel
  2. Use the DisplayControl to select the quadrant in which the full screen image is
  3. Is the presentation in the same quadrant as the PowerPoint application?
    • If Yes and you make use of PowerPoint only:
      1. Remember the quadrant in which it is running.
      2. Select full screen on operation panel
      3. Choose the appropriate quadrant.
    • If No and you make use of multiple signals:
      1. Stop the current presentation
      2. Select Slide Show in the menu of PowerPoint
      3. Uncheck Use Presenter View, and select Show on > Primary Monitor.
      4. Restart
      5. It is now in the same quadrant as the application is
  1. Decide if PowerPoint is in the correct quadrant. If not, close PowerPoint, select the appropriate quadrant and and continue.