Why did my FAQ not get copied from my course from the previous academic year?

During the summer Teaching Support will copy your course from the previous academic year to your course for the new academic year, depending on your faculty’s request (to read more about this process please see Academic Year Transition). Teaching Support will not turn Tools on or off during this process. For the FAQ content to be copied, the tool needs to be active in both courses. Because Teaching Support does not turn the tool on during the copy process, the content is not copied over.

To copy your FAQ content to your new course, do the following:

  1. First activate the Tool as per the steps on this page.
  2. After the Tool is active, go to Course Admin > Import / Export / Copy Components
  1. Click Search for offering and search for and select the course you want to copy the FAQ content from.
  1. Click Select Components at the bottom of the page
  1. You will see a list of all content you are able to copy from your previous course. Scroll down and check the box in front of Faq, then click Continue
  1. Confirm the component to copy, and click Finish
  1. You will see a progress bar while Brightspace is copying your content. After this is finished you will be able to find your FAQ content within the FAQ section of your new course.