
35953 results


Current projects Past projects

Transport policy and behaviour

Transport policy and behaviour

Researchers focuses on the social determinants and impacts of developments in the transport system (such as e.g. e-mobility and automated…

Cooperative and coordinated traffic management

Cooperative and coordinated traffic management

Advanced, network-wide coordinated traffic management could help to increase network capacity, reduce specific congestion issues, air…

Focus Areas

Consumers and industry are both dependent on daily access to goods. Strategic investments in infrastructure networks, smart information…

Traffic data analysis and modelling laboratory

Traffic data analysis and modelling laboratory

Automated Driving

Automated Driving

Freight Transport & Logistics

Freight Transport & Logistics

The Freight & Logistics Lab is a co operative lab within the TU Delft and joins the forces of research groups within 6 Faculties of the…

Specialists in Policy & Management

Full Professors Prof.dr. Y. (Yao-Hua) Tan linkedin L.A. (Lori) Tavasszy linkedin A. (Alexander) Verbraeck linkedin…