DEWIS award for Anna Lukina

Anna Lukina, assistant professor from the faculty of EEMCS, was awarded the annual DEWIS Award – presented personally by Rob Mudde…
Quantative Flow Visualization

Particle image velocimetry (PIV) merges the visual aspect of qualitative flow measurement techniques, such as smoke- and oil- flow…
Paco Lopez Dekker: Harmony in the Wadden

An important milestone in the preparation of ESA’s tenth Earth Explorer candidate satellite mission, Harmony, has been reached thanks to two…
Herman Russchenberg doet onderzoek naar wolken: ‘Ze zijn van grote invloed op ons klimaat’

Dat wolken deel uitmaken van het dagelijkse weer, is zo alom bekend dat we ze als een bekend fenomeen beschouwen. Herman Russchenberg van de…
Research team
Christian Tiberius received his PhD degree in 1998 from the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Delft, The Netherlands, on recursive…
Prof. dr. ir. Doris van Halem
Community police officer at X

Since recently, Bart the community police officer of the Wippolder district and the campus has been visiting X on Wednesdays. The community…
Building a lensless microscope to study next-gen chips

Transistors used in computer chips have now reached the tiny scale of mere nanometres, yet chips manufacturers still lack the optical power…
IDE at ThingsCon’s Boutiques of Salons 2021
The 2021 virtual edition of ThingsCon’s Boutiques of Salons takes place tomorrow (10 December) from 17:30 – 20:00 CET. There will be talks…
Universities of the Netherlands present Lifelong Learning Platform

On 23 November, a new national course catalogue for lifelong learning was launched. This joint project of all…