
35891 results

Young Scientists on stage

Young Scientists on stage

Martijn Nagtegaal, PhD student @ImPhys participated in the "Hoezo? Show!". The Hoe?Zo! Show is an interactive science game show in which…

Gendered Research and Innovation as Complement to Current TU Delft gender policy: DEWIS talks to Claudia Werker

Gendered Research and Innovation as Complement to Current TU Delft gender policy: DEWIS talks to Claudia Werker

Claudia Werker serves as vice-chairwoman of the works council of TU Delft and as DEWIS Board member. She is an Associate Professor at the…

Martijn Tijssen

Guangtao Yang

Michael Falkenberg

MSc student Michael Falkenberg was born in Preetz, Germany, in 1989. He received his Bachelor's in Business Administration & Industrial…

Timo van Pelt

MSc student Timo was born in Rotterdam and decided that the TU Delft would be a nice place to study. He finished his BSc. in aerospace…

National Geographic Magazine: 'How Green, How Soon?

National Geographic Magazine: 'How Green, How Soon?

National Geographic Magazine's October cover story 'How green, how soon?' is about sustainable aviation. In the spring, top photographer…

Jorge Fuentes Casillas

MSc student Jorge Fuentes was born in Guadalajara city in Mexico, the 21-August-1985, he studied Computational Engineering at the León…

Erika Duran

MSc student Erika was born in Guadalajara, Mexico and has obtained her degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Guadalajara.…

The next phase in aircraft design

The next phase in aircraft design

The aircraft design of the Flying-V is potentially much more efficient than the traditional “pipe with wings” design. The concept was…