Circular composites - design is the missing link

Composite materials have a lot to offer in terms of fine-tuning material properties, optimising functionality, and ensuring a long-life…
Using sensors to stop sports injuries

All athletes, from amateurs joggers to elite footballers, experience sports injuries. What if medical professionals could predict when those…
IDE starts to beat in the heart of DHPC Quantum Computer

As of this January the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) has joined the Delft High Performance Computing Centre (DHPC) and the…
From bottled water to doctor

Most people, according to PhD candidate Mirjam Visser, say they want to shop sustainably but few consumers actually purchase the most…
Designing frameworks for smart cyber-physical systems

Algorithms are all around you. They are in your office building within computer-regulated thermostats, they help pilots land the planes you…
3D printing metamaterials

Imagine wanting to construct a personalised bike saddle, but the materials at your disposal are either too stiff for some parts of the…
The creative breeding ground of Delft Design Labs

Imagine a research environment fuelled by creativity, where people from different disciplines and varying levels of expertise collaborate,…
Djordje Bajić Group
Research Engineering microbial consortia promises to revolutionize biotechnology by providing climate friendly and economically viable…
Archive newsletters
9 February 2024 - CoSEM 9 February 2024 - EPA 9 February 2024 - MOT 29 June 2023 - CoSEM 29 June 2023 - EPA 27 June 2023 - MOT 17 May 2023 -…
Out of the Blue #26: Conversations on Design & AI

We have a fun one for you this time. Recently, our colleague Eric Gu hosted three Delft Design researchers in a conversation on design and…