Making artificial leather while processing wastewater

Leather is a strong product but has been getting bad press lately due to the fact that it is made of animal skins and the production process…
Open positions
Currently, there are no open positions available. We frequently update this website to recruit new colleagues, so please revisit this site…
BK Talks: Scale matters. In transition to a Circular Built Environment
Panel discussion moderated by Tillmann Klein on 25 November.
IDE in the media – week 47
Dutch items De Ingenieur - Klanten mogen apparaten apple zelf gaan repareren De Ingenieur - Wat voor plastic is het? dit apparaatje vertelt…
For us human beings in the West, clothing has become a disposable product that provides us with protection from the environment and displays…
Kobus Kuipers wins Physica Prize 2019

The Physica Prize 2019 has been awarded to Kobus Kuipers, not only a pioneering physicist but also someone who is strongly committed to…
New PowerWeb book: Intelligent Integrated Energy Systems

This book presents research results of PowerWeb, TU Delft’s consortium for interdisciplinary research on intelligent, integrated energy…
DDMC 2008
Program for Delft Days on Magnetocaloric (DDMC) October 30 (Thursday) 2008 9:30-9:45 Welcome address by Dr G. Degen, BASF Future Business,…
The TU Delft Solar Boat Team presents the design of the first Dutch solar boat for the open sea

For the first time in Dutch history, the TU Delft Solar Boat Team is taking the step to develop a solar boat for the sea. It will be a…
Oceanographers in the wake of My Little Ponies

The shipping crates that fell from a container ship in the North Sea last week could be a blessing in disguise for oceanographers.