
36345 results

PhD Council

Quote of the Month PhD is a party; you only need to decorate it yourself. Diversity & Inclusion CEG PhD Council PhDs make up the largest…

Green Waves Hackathon Sustainable IT & Water Start

Green Waves Hackathon Sustainable IT & Water Start

Green Waves Hackathon Sustainable IT & Water Fancy coding that killer app and win a prize doing so? Join us riding the waves towards a…

PTM2025 Conference

The 9th International Conference on Solid-Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials will be held in Delft, The Netherlands.

TU Delft helps Maastricht air traffic controllers make safe choices

TU Delft helps Maastricht air traffic controllers make safe choices

In March 2024, the EUROCONTROL air traffic control centre MUAC in Maastricht launched a new software tool that allows their air traffic…

Admission and application

If you want to be admitted to the MSc programme Technical Medicine, you have to meet the admission requirements. These requirements depend…

Centre for Meaningful Human Control

Centre for Meaningful Human Control

Leading the design & development of systems under meaningful human control Launch of the centre The official launch of the CMHC is on 1…

J. (Julia) Barashkov

T.D.H. (Teun) van Nuland

C.F. (Cristhian) Andrade Corona