
35933 results

First prize and honourable mention at Archiprix 2019

First prize and honourable mention at Archiprix 2019

BK alumnus Devant Asawla was awarded the shared first price at the Dutch Archiprix 2019 for his project ‘The living landscape of Quebrada…

Summer at X

Summer at X

By the high(er) temperature and the long, sultry evenings you can already tell that summer has started. You can also go to X in the summer…

Inaugural address by Co Verdaas: Urban area development has never been so complicated (and cool)

Inaugural address by Co Verdaas: Urban area development has never been so complicated (and cool)

On 3 July, professor of Urban Area Development Co Verdaas will give his inaugural address. “The question of how we structure and organise…

Health care buildings are not always healthy enough for staff

Health care buildings are not always healthy enough for staff

Nursing staff are much less enthusiastic about the conditions in hospitals than the patients who are treated in them, concludes the PhD…

Hand Me Your PIN! Inferring ATM PINs of Users Typing with a Covered Hand

Hand Me Your PIN! Inferring ATM PINs of Users Typing with a Covered Hand

Dr. Stjepan Picek, Prof. Mauro Conti, and their colleagues from the University of Padova published a work where they investigated the…

Manoj Coppens, BEP student in the first year of the Chemical Engineering master, received the BSc thesis AMCEL award

Manoj Coppens, BEP student in the first year of the Chemical Engineering master, received the BSc thesis AMCEL award

The BSc thesis AMCEL award was won by Manoj Coppens for his research on the electrochemical NO reduction in a PEM cell, as part of his BSc…

Support overview

Your faculty Data Steward is the first contact point for any inquiries related to research data management and sharing. Your Data Steward…

Wijnand Veeneman in OV Magazine over spoor infrastructuur

Wijnand Veeneman in OV Magazine over spoor infrastructuur

Het is niet alleen vol op het spoor en de weg, maar de infrastructuur is ook erg oud. Dus moeten we veel vervangen én uitbreiden. Hoe gaan…

Hans de Bruijn in Trouw over effectief coronabeleid in het buitenland

Hans de Bruijn in Trouw over effectief coronabeleid in het buitenland

Hans de Bruijn legt uit waarom we persoonlijke ervaringen met coronabeleid in het buitenland niet als bewijs moeten zien dat Nederland op…

Frans A. Oliehoek delivers keynote address at Workshop Computational Intelligence 2021

Frans A. Oliehoek delivers keynote address at Workshop Computational Intelligence 2021

The audience of the annual workshop has a strong background of the different methods of computational intelligence. About half of the…