Diagnosing tuberculosis with algorithms

How mathematical algorithms help to diagnose complex tuberculosis infections
New Electrical Sustainable Powerlab smooths the way for energy transition

A new laboratory, the only one of its kind in the world, is being built in Delft.
TU Delft Electrical Sustainable Power Lab

The ESP LAB is the first laboratory in the world enabling research and education in system integration into the existing electrical grid.
Activities ESP LAB 1 - 6
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How not to waste energy on 5G

Earl McCune is geared up to break a few long-held believes in the field of wireless communication
The impact of algorithms

In our age of technology algorithms have become more complex and more influential than ever before. And yet, because of their omnipresence,…
Towards a sensible digital society

Mathematics, electrical engineering and computer science are the foundation of modern technology: they form the basis for solutions to this…
You sometimes used to see students struggling to stay awake, but now they’re actively participating

Is sharing personal data a matter of all or nothing?

New digital technology is making it increasingly easy to share personal data.
The wonderful world of quantum computing 8
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