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Chuncheng Liu
Chuncheng Liu, born in Shandong Province China, currently works on the catalysed process of Methanol to hydrocarbons as a PhD student from…
Robbert van Putten
I obtained my BSc (2015) and MSc (2017) in chemical engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. After industrial…
Jittima Meeprasert
Jittima is from Thailand. She graduated from Kasetsart University with a bachelor and a master degree in Chemistry. After graduation, she…
Robert Franz
Robert received both his BSc and MSc degrees in chemical engineering from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany. During his Master’s…
Chong Liu
Chong Liu received both his BSc (2010) and MSc (2013) in chemistry from Lanzhou University. He completed his PhD research at Eindhoven…
Regis: STACK OF DOMINOES The ‘dominos’ refer to the playful pattern of the panels of the display element and, combined with the possibility…
The wind app which puts the wind in your sails

Catching the breeze may bring you gold but sail too close to the wind and you’ll miss the boat. Combined with a sailor’s intuition…
'We’re focusing on a mixture of proven and innovative techniques'

The energy transition on TU Delft Campus.
Healthy mathematics

Since the advent of medical imaging, several decades ago, applications have been introduced in the form of models.