How to get your research in the picture
How to get your research in the picture Do you have exciting news about your research, are you about to obtain a PhD on a subject with…
Delft Health Initiative (DHI) grant for Qian Tao

The Delft Health Initiative (DHI) brings researchers together who are involved in health research and innovation, in order to focus TU Delft…
Hydrogen in a solid carrier

The hydrogen carrier sodium boron hydride can be made to release twice as much hydrogen.
Vacancies Four PhD positions in the HIPPO DAI lab are now open for applications! Please follow these links to find out more about the…
Bart de Koning joined ImPhys as MSc student

Bart de Koning will join ImPhys per December 1st, 2021. He is a MSc student in Applied Mathematics and Bart will be doing his master thesis…
Zhuo-ming Shia: TU Delft Best Graduate

Today, at the online TU Delft Best Graduate Award Ceremony 2021, eight recently graduated engineers presented their research and results of… P.M. Bluyssen
Professor of Indoor Environment Department of Architectural Engineering + Technology "I'm currently doing research into the quality of the…
TU Delft Digital Open Days at IDE: Recap
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, TU Delft’s Open Days had to go digital. Luckily, the IDE team was able to shift gears to pull together a…
ESP Lab - Peter Palensky, Digital Technologies

Four designers from Delft University of Technology travelled to Lake Victoria, Tanzania and partnered with Sagar Energy Solutions to design…
ESP Lab - Lucia Beloqui Larumbe, Power Electronics

Four designers from Delft University of Technology travelled to Lake Victoria, Tanzania and partnered with Sagar Energy Solutions to design…