
36310 results

We Need an Inclusive Approach to Flood Risks

We Need an Inclusive Approach to Flood Risks

The unequal impact of natural disasters, aggravated by a changing climate, highlights the need for comprehensive and inclusive approaches to…

Are Sustainability and Safety Incompatible?

Are Sustainability and Safety Incompatible?

In the world of biotechnology, safety and sustainability might sometimes be at odds. When conflicts arise, decision-makers must carefully…

The Control Room of the Future

The Control Room of the Future

If it were not for the futuristic blue glow of light, you would not suspect anything special is happening in this room – just some computer…

Profile of a Safety & Security Researcher: Riccardo Ferrari

Profile of a Safety & Security Researcher: Riccardo Ferrari

Somewhat unexpectedly, Riccardo Ferrari ’s choice of a niche topic for his PhD, fault diagnosis, led to an exciting second life for his…

Profile of a Safety and Security Researcher: Nan Yue

Profile of a Safety and Security Researcher: Nan Yue

“In high school, I loved physics. It was logical and easy to follow and came naturally to me. When choosing my bachelor’s study, I wanted…

Beautiful and safe?

Beautiful and safe?

It is a common sight in the densely populated country of the Netherlands, houses along, on or even partly in a dyke. The result is…

Closing Reflection: Safety and Security in a Changing World

Closing Reflection: Safety and Security in a Changing World

The theme 'Safety and Security in a Changing World' ran through this magazine like a common thread, although sometimes only implicitly. To…

The Hidden Research behind CSI

The Hidden Research behind CSI

In TV series like CSI: Crime Scene Investigation , it seems almost effortless to analyse a crime scene and draw conclusions; Just put the…

Self-Adapting Trail Blaizer

Self-Adapting Trail Blaizer

This smoothly moving orange object is probably not what most people imagine a robot to look like, yet that is what it is – a smart…

Seminar Making Green Work for Health

Seminar Making Green Work for Health - Location: Berlage rooms, Faculty of Architecture TU Delft Seminar Making Green Work for Health…