
36313 results

Projecten & Buitenlandervaringen

Extracurricular activities and guidance next to the Aerospace Engineering study – TU Delft

In addition to studying Aerospace Engineering there are numerous opportunities for extracurricular activities to develop yourself. From…

G.J. Koers

From left to right front row: prof.dr. Paul Urbach (chair, representing the Rector Magnificus), Aad van der Vaart (promotor),…

After your studies

Over 80% of our students carry on with a Master's degree programme after completing the Bachelor's programme. Explore the options for…

ir. J. Rang

Picture taken after the defence of ir. Jugo Rang on October 24, 2023.

Transferring to a Masters programme after a BSc Aerospace Engineering – TU Delft

If you have a Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering from TU Delft, you have many options for continuing your education with a Master's…

Career Opportunities Aerospace Engineering – TU Delft

With a degree in Aerospace Engineering, you can work in a variety of positions. From developing efficient logistics programmes for…

BioMorphic Interacting Drones and their Applications in Agriculture

BioMorphic Interacting Drones and their Applications in Agriculture

On Friday 8 July, Italian National Day, Salua Hamaza, co-director of the BioMorphic Intelligence Lab at TU Delft presented her vision on…

Upcoming MSc course: BioMorphic Intelligence for Interacting Drones

Upcoming MSc course: BioMorphic Intelligence for Interacting Drones

We are busy developing the new MSc course ‘BioMorphic Intelligence for Interacting Drones’, which is expected to start in 2023. This course…

BioMorphic Intelligence Lab @ IROS 2022 in Kyoto

BioMorphic Intelligence Lab @ IROS 2022 in Kyoto

Salua and her team at the MAVLab and the Biomorphic Intelligence Lab were present at this years edition of IROS in Kyoto, Japan. In total…