Gamification of team behavior
In the context of the CRISP funded G-Motiv project, studies were conducted on how gamification can contribute to better team performance through game rules that affect team behaviour such as competition and collaboration.
Lab studies were done for studying the effect of implicit game rules on player experiences and behaviour, field studies were done on introducing game elements in team meetings of consultancy firm Berenschot, as well as on improving the feeling of team cohesion in a steel factory.
PhD Research of: Niko Vegt
Arnold Vermeeren
- +31 (0)15 27 84218
Room C-3-280
"I have striven not to laugh at human actions, not to weep at them, nor to hate them, but to understand them." - Spinoza
Affiliates / Collaborators
- Huib de Ridder, Valentijn Visch
- Institutional collaborators: Ranj serious gaming, Berenschot, Wuppermann
- CRISP: CReative Industry Scientific Programme