
47668 results

21 June 2019

Spinoza Prize for Ronald Hanson, Stevin Prize for Jack Pronk

Spinoza Prize for Ronald Hanson, Stevin Prize for Jack Pronk

NWO announced today that TU Delft's Ronald Hanson and Jack Pronk have been awarded an NWO Spinoza Prize and an NWO Stevin Prize respectively.

20 June 2019

First-year AP students show their physics creations

First-year AP students show their physics creations

The past few weeks, the first-year students of the Applied Physics bachelor degree programme at Delft University of Technology have been working on their final assignment for the course Design Engineering for Physicists. In groups, they created an installation that demonstrates a physical phenomenon. They will present their creation on Friday 5 July.

19 June 2019

KPN and QuTech join forces to make quantum internet a reality

KPN and QuTech join forces to make quantum internet a reality

KPN and QuTech signed a new cooperative agreement, to work together on making quantum internet a reality.

07 June 2019

Two AS researchers to lead new NWA programmes

Two AS researchers to lead new NWA programmes

Researchers Nico de Jong (Imaging Physics) and Toeno van der Sar (Quantum Nanoscience) have received funding from NWO within the National Science Agenda programme: Research on Routes by Consortia (NWA-ORC). Both researchers will lead an interdisciplinary consortium that focuses on a particular scientific and societal challenge.

04 June 2019

Martin Verweij elected as Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America

Martin Verweij elected as Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America

The Executive Council of the Acoustical Society of America has elected Martin Verweij as Fellow for his contributions to nonlinear medical ultrasound. The prestigious Fellow title is granted by academic societies to members who have made an enduring impact on their scientific field and a significant contribution to the organization of the society.

23 May 2019

Yuemei Lin wins Zilveren Zandloper 2019

Yuemei Lin wins Zilveren Zandloper 2019

Researcher Yuemei Lin of the Biotechnology research department, has won the Zilveren Zandloper Innovation Award 2019. She was given the award "for her research efforts in adding value to waste products via the characterization and application of microbial polymers produced in wastewater treatment plants."

21 May 2019

QuTech presents Annual Report 2018

QuTech presents Annual Report 2018

QuTech has presented its Annual Report for 2018. The report gives an overview of developments in QuTech’s roadmaps along with other exciting activities that took place in 2018. It also presents staff developments and introduces the new governance structure.

13 May 2019

Gijsje Koenderink new professor at Bionanoscience department

The Bionanoscience research department of the Faculty of Applied Sciences has appointed Gijsje Koenderink as a new professor. Koenderink currently works at the AMOLF institute, where she is head of the Living Matter department and group leader of the Biological Soft Matter group. She will start on September 1, 2019.

02 May 2019

Zoë Robaey nominated as Science Talent 2019

Zoë Robaey nominated as Science Talent 2019

Every year, the Dutch version of the popular science magazine New Scientist holds an election to determine who the science talent of the year is. This year, bio-ethicist Dr. Zoë Robaey is one of the nominees. She is a postdoc at the Biotechnology and Society group of the department of Biotechnology and conducts research at the interface of ethics and biotechnology.

26 April 2019

Royal Honours for three TU Delft professors

TU Delft professors Jan Dirk Jansen, Lucas van Vliet and Miro Zeman all received Royal Honours this year.