
47683 results

07 June 2018

Marcel Ottens’ group to participate in new International Training Network

Marcel Ottens’ group to participate in new International Training Network

As part of a large European biopharmaceutical consortium, the research group of Marcel Ottens will participate in a 4M€ Marie Curie International Training Network (ITN).

01 June 2018

Five Vidi grants for TU Delft: from zig-zagging through computational barriers to clay-like orthopaedic implants

The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded Vidi grants worth EUR 800,000 to five researchers at TU Delft. A Vidi grant enables them to set up their own research group to develop their own innovative line of research.

28 May 2018



What is invisible and will kill millions of people in thirty years' time? Answer: bacteria. Years of excessive use of antibiotics have enabled certain bacteria to evolve in a way that has become impossible to treat. A small group of researchers at TU Delft is working hard to find a solution.

25 May 2018

e-Refinery initiative launched

e-Refinery initiative launched

On Tuesday 22 May the Process & Energy lab was filled to the brim with e-Refinery. This brand-new consortium will help to electrify and decarbonise the chemical and energy industries with its unique integrated approach, ranging from materials to processes and their upscaling.

24 May 2018

Jack Pronk receives two awards

Jack Pronk receives two awards

The past weeks, Jack Pronk received two prizes. He was awarded the International Metabolic Engineering Award by the International Metabolic Engineering Society. In addition, he received the ‘Zilveren Zandloper’ (Silver Hourglass), an educational prize, during the Dutch Biotechnological Congress 2018 on 22 May.

26 April 2018

Cas3: a biological fishing rod and a shredder rolled into one

Cas3: a biological fishing rod and a shredder rolled into one

CRISPR-Cas9 has made gene editing a lot easier and will eventually help us erase hereditary diseases from our DNA.

26 April 2018

Royal honours for three TU Delft professors

TU Delft professors Isabel Arends, Jenny Dankelman and Andy van den Dobbelsteen each received a royal honour this year.

25 April 2018

Next step towards quantum network based on micromechanical beams

Next step towards quantum network based on micromechanical beams

In recent years nanofabricated mechanical oscillators have emerged as a promising platform for quantum information applications. Quantum entanglement of engineered optomechanical resonators would offer a compelling route towards scalable quantum networks. Researchers at the TU Delft and the University of Vienna have now observed this entanglement and report their findings in this week’s edition of Nature.

20 April 2018

Researchers build DNA replication in a model synthetic cell

Researchers build DNA replication in a model synthetic cell

Researchers at Delft University of Technology, in collaboration with colleagues at the Autonomous University of Madrid, have created an artificial DNA blueprint for the replication of DNA in a cell-like structure.

19 April 2018

100,000 euros for new design course of Applied Physics

100,000 euros for new design course of Applied Physics

The National Governing Body for Education Research (NRO) will make available an amount of €100,000 for the new Applied Physics course ‘Design Engineering for Physicists’. The NRO has honoured an application by Prof. Chris Kleijn, Dr. Rolf Hut (CitG/TNW), Dr. Koen van Dongen (TNW) and Prof. Marc de Vries (TNW) for a Comenius Senior Fellowship.