
48026 results

19 November 2019

Building a Mars base with bacteria

Building a Mars base with bacteria

How do you make a base on Mars? Simple: you send some bacteria to the red planet and you let them mine iron.

18 November 2019

Tuning quantum materials with hydrogen gas

Researchers at TU Delft have discovered a method to stretch and compress quantum materials using hydrogen gas. They demonstrated this effect using a tiny string of a material called tungsten trioxide, which acts as a sponge for hydrogen. The research is a promising new step in the development of micromechanical resonators, which have a wide range of possible applications. They can be used in inkjet printers, as sensors for environmental conditions, and as active components in future nano-electronics.

15 November 2019

Researchers see rapidly hunting CRISPR system in action

Researchers see rapidly hunting CRISPR system in action

07 November 2019

Opening Industrial Catalysis Lab TU Delft

Opening Industrial Catalysis Lab TU Delft

On 20 November 2019, TU Delft will open the Industrial Catalysis Lab, a new high-tech facility that makes it possible to carry out experiments under high pressure and at high temperatures. The lab forms a bridge between industry and the academic world, where experiments are usually carried out under lower pressure and at lower temperatures. In this building, researchers led by a new professor will develop innovations in the field of catalysis. Catalysis is a technology that accelerates chemical reactions and that forms the basis for many of our plastics, fuels and fertilizers.

07 November 2019

A new look for the Reactor Institute Delft

TU Delft's Reactor Institute Delft (RID) will get a new look in the form of new dome plating. As of 4 November, a scaffolding is being built around the dome for this purpose. Because of the shape of the dome, building the scaffolding is a specialist job. This will take a few weeks. It is expected that all 1,200 plates will be replaced in the second quarter of 2020.

07 November 2019

Delft iGEM students win prizes with DNA toolkit

Delft iGEM students win prizes with DNA toolkit

What if we could use bacteria to break down plastic on a large scale? What if we could have bacteria produce biofuel more efficiently? Unfortunately, this is not yet possible, but on Monday a group of students from TU Delft presented a plan to change this in Boston. They won two prizes.

06 November 2019

Timon Idema: always looking for what we don't know

Timon Idema: always looking for what we don't know

From the five Teachers of The Year, Timon Idema was chosen to represent the TNW faculty in the next round of the election. "I think that's an honour, it's nice to get recognition in this way. Certainly because I like education very much."

31 October 2019

Artificial cell division a step closer to reality

Artificial cell division a step closer to reality

Researchers at TU Delft have succeeded in replicating a biological mechanism that is essential for cell division in bacteria in the lab. The research is an important step within a larger, ambitious project with the ultimate goal of creating a fully artificial cell that can sustain and divide itself. The researchers have published their findings in Nature Communications.

24 October 2019

Ferdinand Grozema: "Knowing why you learn something works"

In his courses, Teacher of the Year at AS Ferdinand Grozema (MST/CE) tries to offer as many tools for science as possible. "I'll show you what you can achieve with a basic knowledge in chemistry." He is also the founder of the course 'Scientific Writing and Argumentation'. "Because having the right facts does not yet make a text clear or readable.”

10 October 2019

Pascale Daran: "’Involve me and I learn’ is my teaching motto”

Pascale Daran: "’Involve me and I learn’ is my teaching motto”

Interactive lecturing is a priority of TNW Teacher of The Year Pascale Daran (LST). She coordinates the bachelor's practical course in Biotechnology Basic Techniques and discusses scientific literature with master's students in the Metabolic Reprogramming course. "I like this form of education, students see that I do this from the heart. For me, a lecture is a success if the discussion is so animated that I could just disappear."