
47912 results

26 August 2021

New CRISPR-Cas system cuts virus RNA

New CRISPR-Cas system cuts virus RNA

Researchers from the group of Stan Brouns (Delft University of Technology) have discovered a new CRISPR-Cas system that cuts RNA. The study will be published on August 26 in Science and is expected to offer many opportunities for the development of new applications in genetic research and biotechnology.

06 July 2021

Teachers of the Year 2021 of TNW announced

During an online presentation on 6 July, Dean Paulien Herder and Director of Education Chris Kleijn announced the Teachers of the Year of the Faculty of Applied Sciences. The winners are: Wim Bouwman (AP), Tom Burdyny (MST & CE), Caroline Wehrmann (SEC), Frank Hollmann (LST) and Margreet Docter (NB). Tom Burdyny was also named Teacher of the Year for the entire Faculty of Applied Sciences.

30 June 2021

A new spin on making minimal cells

A new spin on making minimal cells

The ability of a cell to separate its own matter from its surroundings is a basic requirement for life. A team of researchers at AMOLF and Delft University of Technology have managed to create a synthetic container, or lipid vesicle, that is able to hold a range of different biological systems: from a cytoskeleton to entire E.coli bacteria. Their findings on this optimized cDICE method, which has the potential to reveal the inner workings of life, are published in ACS Synthetic Biology on DATE.

23 June 2021

Rubicon grant for two Applied Sciences researchers

Two (former) Applied Sciences researchers, Mario Avellaneda Sarrio (Bionanoscience) and Mario Gely (Quantum Nanoscience) have been awarded a coveted Rubicon grant by NWO.

23 June 2021

Portrait Ronald Ligteringen

Portrait Ronald Ligteringen

“I really enjoyed last year. I provide IT support for research and teaching activities, and I certainly had plenty of scope last year. At first, I thought it was great being able to work from home. I could have lunch with my two teenage daughters, for example. But my enthusiasm waned by mid-May, and I found myself feeling quite negative about the whole thing. I missed bumping into people and the inspiration I drew from such chance meetings. Your senses become deadened without input from outside. My solution was to go into the office once a week.

23 June 2021

Portrait Maria Sovago

Portrait Maria Sovago

“My colleagues and I had just started our brand new course in Systems Engineering in February 2020. After three lectures we heard - on a Friday - that we had to make the transition to online teaching on Monday. So we got together, we arranged everything during the weekend and we made the switch. I was so proud of my colleagues and our 250 students, who showed amazing flexibility! Everybody just got together and made it work. It’s a great memory for me.”

23 June 2021

Portrait Liedewij Laan

Portrait Liedewij Laan

“Last year was a very interesting year. To my mind, TU Delft is a stable environment. COVID-19 meant that without warning, things that had been optimised had to be organised differently. There was suddenly room to be more creative with processes. I found this invigorating. My group showed itself to be very flexible and managed to adapt in no time. In addition to experimenting, we started focusing on modelling and machine learning, for example.

23 June 2021

Portrait Jelle Gilhuis

Portrait Jelle Gilhuis

“Would I have joined the board of study association TG if I’d known what was going to happen? You bet I would! It wasn’t quite what I had in mind when I said ‘yes’ about a year ago, and obviously I’d rather have been partying with lots of students. But this has definitely been a good and unique experience. There’s something exciting about not following set plans and protocols. You have to be creative.

27 May 2021

Researchers make 3D image with light microscope

Researchers make 3D image with light microscope

For the first time, Delft researchers have succeeded in making a three-dimensional image of a cellular component using light. The component in question is the nuclear pore complex: tunnels that facilitate traffic to and from the cell nucleus. Studying cell components in 3D can help to determine the cause of various diseases, among other things. The researchers have published their findings in Nature Communications.

27 May 2021

A new tool to understand the brain

A new tool to understand the brain

How does our brain work? An international team of researchers, including lead author Daan Brinks of TU Delft, has taken another step towards answering that question. They have created a new tool that allows them to image electrical signals in brains with an unprecedented combination of precision, resolution, sensitivity, and depth.