
47668 results

11 September 2019

Cable bacteria: Living electrical wires with record conductivity

Cable bacteria: Living electrical wires with record conductivity

Bacteria that power themselves using electricity and are able to send electrical currents over long distances through highly conductive power lines. It almost sounds like the way we charge our TVs and refrigerators, and may seem hard to believe, but it is a recent discovery by a team of scientists from the University of Antwerp (Belgium), Delft University of Technology (Netherlands) and the University of Hasselt (Belgium). Centimeter-long bacteria from the seafloor contain a conductive fiber network that operates in comparable way to the copper wiring that we use to transport electricity. The highly conductive fibers enable a completely new interface between biology and electronics, providing a prospect for new materials and technology.

10 September 2019

Norbert Kalb wins Steven Hoogendijk Prize 2019

Norbert Kalb wins Steven Hoogendijk Prize 2019

Last Saturday, the 7th of September, the Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervindelijke Wijsbegeerte (Batavian Society of Experimental Philosophy) awarded Norbert Kalb the Stevin Hoogendijk Prize 2019. With this prize, the society rewards the writer of the best TU Delft dissertation over a period of two years. Kalb was selected as the winner for his excellent research into quantum networks based on the so-called 'nitrogen vacancy centre' in diamond.

02 September 2019

ERC Starting Grant for three AS researchers

ERC Starting Grant for three AS researchers

Five TU Delft researchers have been selected to receive an ERC Starting Grant. Three of these researchers work at the Faculty of Applied Sciences, the other two are affiliated with QuTech. The grants (1,5 million euros for a five-year programme) are intended to support scientists who are in the early stages of their career and have already produced excellent supervised work.

21 August 2019

World’s first link layer protocol brings quantum internet closer to a reality

World’s first link layer protocol brings quantum internet closer to a reality

Researchers from QuTech have achieved a world’s first in quantum internet technology.

25 July 2019

ERC Proof of Concept grant for Andrea Caviglia

Andrea Caviglia (Quantum Nanoscience), Associate Professor at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, will be awarded a Proof of Concept grant by the European Research Council. He is one of sixty ERC grant holders that are set to receive top-up funding to explore the commercial or innovation potential of the results of their EU-funded research.

18 July 2019

Veni grant for four researchers of Applied Sciences

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded a Veni grant worth up to 250,000 euros to twelve highly promising young scientists from TU Delft, four of whom are from the Faculty of Applied Sciences. The grant provides the laureates with the opportunity to further elaborate their own ideas during a period of three years.

12 July 2019

Yeast against dementia

Yeast against dementia

As our life expectancy increases, more and more people are confronted with different types of dementia, such as Alzheimer's disease. How these brain diseases arise and develop is still unclear, complicating the search for effective treatment.

08 July 2019

Reading out qubits 100 times faster than before: new step towards the quantum computer

Reading out qubits 100 times faster than before: new step towards the quantum computer

An operational quantum computer will require a quick, reliable and scalable read-out of the state of the qubits, the building blocks of this computer of the future.

04 July 2019

Nynke Dekker elected as member of EMBO

04 July 2019

Teachers of the Year of AS announced

Teachers of the Year of AS announced

During the Science Day of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, on Thursday 27 June, Dean Lucas van Vliet announced the Teachers of the Year for 2019.