
47912 results

18 February 2021

Windsurfing virus particles can bridge 1.5 metres

Windsurfing virus particles can bridge 1.5 metres

Can a light breeze nullify the 1.5-metre measure indoors? It looks like it could, says Saša Kenjereš (Chemical Engineering) in a new article in Annals of Biomedical Engineering. He modeled the way virus particles leave a talking person's mouth, as well as how far particles can travel in both quiescent and moving air. In doing so, he found that a virus can surf along on a slight tailwind and thus travel much farther than in an environment in which the air is completely still. In a room with stationary air, 1.5 metres seems to be a safe distance. But a barely perceptible breeze allows virus particles to bridge such a gap with relative ease.

11 February 2021

Reactor Institute Delft re-appointed as official partner of International Atomic Energy Agency

Reactor Institute Delft re-appointed as official partner of International Atomic Energy Agency

The Reactor Institute Delft (RID), the nuclear research reactor at TU Delft, has been selected as a Collaborating Centre of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for the fourth time. The IAEA and RID have agreed to expand their area of cooperation in Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) to neutron beam-based methodologies – a key technique in materials research, biology and medicine.

03 February 2021

CO₂ removal from the atmosphere using sustainable energy

CO₂ removal from the atmosphere using sustainable energy

Er wordt hard gewerkt aan methodes om CO₂ af te vangen uit de atmosfeer, om op die manier klimaatverandering tegen te gaan. Naast bestaande methodes met giftige oplosmiddelen, zijn er nu elektrochemische technieken in opkomst die kunnen werken met duurzame elektriciteit. De Delftse onderzoeksgroep van David Vermaas analyseerde samen met Wetsus en Caltech deze verschillende duurzame methodes om CO₂ af te vangen en vergeleek ze voor het eerst met elkaar. Daarnaast beschreven de onderzoekers ook welke methodes de meeste potentie hebben om grootschalige CO₂-afvang mogelijk te maken. Hun paper verscheen onlangs in het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Energy & Environmental Science.

20 January 2021

Paulien Herder appointed Dean Faculty of Applied Sciences (AS)

Paulien Herder appointed Dean Faculty of Applied Sciences (AS)

13 January 2021

Ron Haaksman Wins J.B. Westerdijk Prize

Ron Haaksman Wins J.B. Westerdijk Prize

Ron Haaksman, beloved teacher of physics experiments at Applied Sciences, has been awarded this year's J.B. Westerdijk Prize. Ron was nominated by the Vereniging voor Technische Physica (VvTP), the study association of Applied Physics, and received the prize during the Faculty's New Year's Breakfast on Monday, January 11, 2021.

11 January 2021

Delft researchers build artificial chromosome

Delft researchers build artificial chromosome

Biotechnologists at Delft University of Technology have built an artificial chromosome in yeast. The chromosome can exist alongside the natural yeast chromosomes, and serves as a platform to safely and easily add new functions to the micro-organism. Researchers can use the artificial chromosome to convert yeast cells into living factories capable of producing useful chemicals and even medicines.

11 January 2021

Mooijzaal unveiled in Building 22

Mooijzaal unveiled in Building 22

During the New Year's breakfast, the new name for Room E in Building 22 was unveiled. It is now called the 'Mooijzaal'. Professor Hans Mooij (1941) is without a doubt one of the most influential and successful Dutch scientists of the past decades.

07 January 2021

ERC Proof of Concept grant for Frank Hollmann

ERC Proof of Concept grant for Frank Hollmann

Frank Hollmann (Biotechnology) has been awarded a Proof of Concept grant by the European Research Council. He is one of 55 ERC grant holders that are set to receive top-up funding to explore the commercial or innovation potential of the results of their EU-funded research.

06 January 2021

PhD cum laude for Evert Merkx

PhD cum laude for Evert Merkx

We are one step closer to Luminous Glass. On December 14th 2020, Evert Merkx from the department of Radiation Science & Technology (RST) successfully defended his PhD thesis and the accompanying propositions. After a rigorous examination, the committee decided to award Evert the PhD cum laude. ‘Cum laude’ is the highest honor TU Delft can bestow upon PhDs, awarded only to the top 5% of PhD students.

04 January 2021

Greener chemistry through new approach to catalysis

Greener chemistry through new approach to catalysis

Researchers in Delft have developed at catalyst that is even effective in negligible amounts. The form and durability of the catalyst mean that it lasts much longer in reactions, saving a great deal of energy, waste and costs. The results were published in Nature Communications.