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24 February 2022

Mark van Loosdrecht wins Novozymes Prize for 25 years of revolutionary wastewater treatment

Mark van Loosdrecht wins Novozymes Prize for 25 years of revolutionary wastewater treatment

The development of new technologies for biological wastewater treatment is turning our view of sludge upside down. Microbiologist Mark van Loosdrecht receives the 2022 Novozymes Prize for his pioneering work in copying and reusing nature’s mechanisms in wastewater treatment and resource recovery. Van Loosdrecht: “Treating wastewater will become good business in the future.”

23 February 2022

Signal discovered that connects cell size with cell growth

Signal discovered that connects cell size with cell growth

The mechanisms connecting growth with cell size have been mysterious – up till now: in a recent publication in Current Biology, researchers from TU Delft and AMOLF have uncovered that the signaling molecule ppGpp is essential to regulate cell size. Surprisingly, they also discover cells adjust their sizes to concentrations of ppGpp, rather than strictly according to growth rate.

07 February 2022

ERC Proof of Concept Grant for Arjen Jakobi

ERC Proof of Concept Grant for Arjen Jakobi

Arjen Jakobi (Department of Bionanoscience) receives the ERC Proof of Concept Grant for his groundbreaking research on cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM). "This grant will allow us to take our new CryoChip technique for high resolution images of protein molecules to the next level for the development of new drugs," says Jakobi.

24 January 2022

TU Delft's Reactor Institute takes another step forward as a testing ground for innovation

TU Delft's Reactor Institute takes another step forward as a testing ground for innovation

The Reactor Institute Delft (RID) continuously invests in better measuring methods and techniques in order to facilitate pioneering research. We have accelerated this with the OYSTER (Optimised Yield - for Science, Technology & Education - of Radiation) programme.

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