Process Intelligence Research (PI-Research)

We are a new research group at the Department of Chemical Engineering. Our vison is the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Chemical Engineering.

​​​​​​​The challenge

The transformation of the chemical industry to renewable energy and feedstock supply requires new paradigms for the design of flexible plants, (bio)-catalysts, and functional materials. Recent breakthroughs in AI and automation provide unique opportunities for this paradigm change, but only joint interdisciplinary research will unfold the full potential of AI in chemical engineering.

Our vision

In our Process Intelligence Reserach Team (PI Research), we will bridge chemical engineering and AI to deliver the next generation of intelligent knowledge and decision-making platforms for the chemical engineering field. At the heart of the successful transformation of chemical engineering with AI lays our fundamental and applied research in machine learning, data science, and process systems engineering.

Industry and academic collaborations

To bring our vision to life, we are collaborating with industry and academic partners. Please contact us if you are interested in our research. We are happy to arrange a meeting and discuss potential collaborations.

Diversity, Inclusion, and Equality

In academia and especially in STEM, we face severe underrepresentation of women and ethnic minorities. Our lab will systematically foster diversity, inclusion, and equality. We maintain a common speak up culture and we assess our measures through annual gender monitoring reports. Finally, we create a family friendly workplace where we find individual concepts that balance family and work for our employees.

Join us

As we are currently building up our group, we are actively looking for future master students and research interns who want to conduct their thesis with us. If you are interested, please send us a brief email stating your motivation, background, expectations, and desired starting date. Please also attach your CV and grade overview.