
Course Contents
The 5EC minor project enables minor students obtain the experience of working in teams while developing software.
Students work in project groups on a full project implementation in the domain of data technologies, or game development.
Study Goals
For all projects:
- Apply software development techniques to real world problems
- Evaluate the conditions of working in groups in software related projects

For game development:
- make a realistic game design for a short development period
- design, implement and validate a variety of algorithms, and integrate them within your game concept
- distinguish the various modules of a game engine, and use them for your game concept
- understand and implement some sort of intelligent behavior in a computer game

AE successful in Open Technology Programme and Take-off NWO

AE successful in Open Technology Programme and Take-off NWO

Six technical-scientific research projects can get started with funding from the Open Technology Programme. In addition, 37 entrepreneurial…


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Marc van Eekeren Reisfonds

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Gruβmayer Lab

Gruβmayer Lab

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Seminar: Pre-launch Open hardware academy

Seminar: Pre-launch Open hardware academy

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Vidi for Axelle Viré and her floating wind turbines

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Theoretical research

Theoretical research

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Digital Ethics Home
