Dr.ir. Y.M. (Yoeri) Dijkstra

Dr.ir. Y.M. (Yoeri) Dijkstra



2015 - Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities. National award for best Master’s thesis in the field of Applied Mathematics of 2014/2015

2009 - Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities. National talent award for highest marks in the first year BSc Civil Engineering

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Yoeri Dijkstra is an assistent professor at the Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics (DIAM) investigating dynamical systems and partial differential equations related to estuarine dynamcs. Application of recent work has been on salt intrusion, sediment dynamics and phytoplankton dynamics in estuaries and tidal rivers. The focus of his research is on modelling large-scale changes and regime shifts in estuarine dynamics in response to alterations (deepening, widening, etc.) of the estuary, climate change (sea level rise and changing fresh water discharge) and seasonal dynamics. To study this, he has developed the iFlow modelling framework, an idealised model designed to systematically study (non-linear) physical processes and the sensitivity to different parameterisations. Besides a broad interest in physical processes in estuaries, he has a particular interest in complex mathematical behaviour, such as feedbacks and bifurcations related to these processes.

Yoeri received his PhD Cum Laude from Delft University of Technology on the subject of regime shifts in sediment concentrations in estuaries (thesis downloadable from repository.tudelft.nl/islandora/object/uuid%3A28e12122-9c63-4260-aa87-b9e8f7de35fe). He furthermore has double BSc and MSc degrees in Civil Engineering (Specialisation Environmental Fluid Mechanics) and Applied Mathematics (Specialisation Computational Science and Engineering). During his Master programme he has worked on improving the numerical accuracy of the k-ε model, diagnostic decomposition of salt fluxes in complex models and developing a renewed framework for ESCO circulation (previously tidal straining).

See Yoeri's personal webpage for an up-to-date list of projects and publications

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  • 2023-8-3

    Veni grant AES 2022

    EEMCS researcher Yoeri Dijkstra has received a Veni grant within the Exact and Natural Sciences (ENW) research domain. He received it for his research Understanding salt intrusion in estuaries under climate change and human interventions.