Dr.ir. H.X. Lin

Dr.ir. H.X. Lin

Short CV:
2015 - present  Professor in Data Analytics for Environmental Modelling, Leiden University
2000 - present  Associate Professor, Delft University of Technology
2013 - present  (Visiting) Professor, Shandong University, China
2005 - present  (Visiting) Professor, Graduate University of the Chinese Academy, China

2011 - 2014      Professor e-Humanities, Tilburg University
1990 - 2000      Assistent Professor, Delft University of Technology
1986 - 1990      Research associate, The Netherlands Oranisation of Applied Asciences (TNO), Rijswijk

Research interest:
High performance computing, parallel and distributed algorithms, modelling and simulation of large scale and complex models, sparse matrix computation and parallel numerical solvers.


Ancillary activities