Dr. J.W. van der Woude

Dr. J.W. van der Woude


Short CV:


Atheneum-B at the Christelijk Carolus Clusius College in Zwolle in the period 1968-1974
Mathematics at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in the period 1974-1981    
   Kandidaats (B.Sc.) : Applied/Technical Mathematics
   Doctoraal (M.Sc.)  : System and Control Theory 
Promotion at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on December 1, 1987, on the dissertation
   “Feedback Decoupling and Stabilization for Linear Systems with Multiple Exogenous Variables”
   Promotors : prof.dr.ir. M.L.J. Hautus, prof.dr.ir. J.C. Willems and dr. H.L. Trentelman

Working experience

a) N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie, 15/10/1981-1/6/1982 and 15/9/1982-1/12/1982
Research worker (freelance) of the Research Laboratory of the N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie
b) Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 1/3/1983-1/9/1987
Research assistant in the group System Theory of the Department of Mathematics and Information Science
c) Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, 1/1/1988-1/1/1990
Research fellow in the group Decision Theory, Statistics and System Theory
d) Technische Universiteit Delft, from 1/1/1990 up to the present
Assistant professor until June 2000, associate professor from June 2000, in the department of Applied Mathematics, subgroup Mathematical System Theory, of the Faculty Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science.

Research interest:
In recent years I have been doing research on the subjects mentioned below. The links refer to an associated book or paper. For more papers and reports, see my list of publications.

  • Mathematical System Theory; see here or here for our course book
  • Structured Linear Systems; see here for a survey paper; the paper was in the top 5 of downloaded papers of Automatica in 2003
  • Max-Plus algebra; see here for our course book
  • Switching Electrical Networks; see here for a relevant paper




Ancillary activities