07 June 2022
TU Delft CEG research on future-proof bridges and quay awarded by National Research Agenda
Within the Dutch National Research Agenda (NWA) 'Bridges and Quay Walls in Urban Areas' one of the research projects has been awarded to associate professor Mandy Korff, researcher at TU Delft Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG) and Deltares. The research, 'live insights for bridges and quay walls,' shortened to 'LiveQuay'.
07 June 2022
TU Delft CEG research on future-proof bridges and quay awarded by National Research Agenda
03 June 2022
Adriaan van Natijne in KIJK
31 May 2022
Vening Meinesz Medal 2022 for Peter Teunissen
De European Geosciences Union (EGU) heeft de Vening Meinesz Medal 2022 toegekend aan professor Peter Teunissen (GRS), voor zijn baanbrekende en invloedrijke wetenschappelijke werk, variërend van fundamentele geodetische theorie tot baanbrekende innovaties op het gebied van modellering van Global Navigation Satellite System en nauwkeurige plaatsbepaling.
31 May 2022
Hans Ramler appointed TU Delft Fellow Construction Technology
The Executive Board has appointed Hans Ramler as TU Delft Fellow Construction Technology at the faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences (CEG).